Professor Debby Swallow's Statement on the UCU Strike
Professor Debby Swallow, the Courtauld's Director and Vice Chancellor, has issued the following statement after a request by the...

Universities Inc.
Courtauld academics picketing on the first day of the strike. The attack on teachers’ pensions, the cause of the strike, is merely part...

Review of the Catalogue 'Jackson Pollock: Blind Spots'
Michael Fried’s essay, ‘Some new category’: Remarks on Several Black Pollocks featured in the catalogue of Tate Liverpool’s exhibition...

Current Affairs 13.02
Charles I: King and Collector, Royal Academy Until 15th April 2018 King Charles I had one of the most incredible art collections of his...

Voices of Transition: Contemporary Art from Myanmar
Htein Lin with a plaster cast of a forearm from ‘Show of Hands’ (2013-ongoing) As both the first Papal visit to Myanmar and the debut...