A Polish Icon: Józef Chierowski’s forgotten Fotel 366
If you know me well, you may well be aware that I like chairs. An awful lot. And if you don’t know me well at all – hello, I’m Emilia,...

Svetlana Kuznetsova: Reflections on Life in the USSR
Wandering around the Other Art Fair in early October, I am drawn to the macabre sculptures of Svetlana Kuznetsova. Delicate gems and...

That sinking feeling: Brexit and the Titanic
Dear reader, welcome to the first of what will hopefully be many weekly columns here at the Courtauldian. I am Morgan Haigh, a...

The time has come – we are now accepting submissions for the first printed issue of the Courtauldian of the 2018/2019 academic year! As...

#MeToo: Depictions of Doom at Frieze 2018
Laurie Anderson, Frieze Talks, Frieze London 2018 (Photo by Linda Nylind) Frieze London 2018 has been labelled the ‘#MeToo art fair’ for...