Floating Roots
This article was previously published in Issue 20, ISLANDS (March 2019). A native-born islander’s relationship with their home can be...

Jewellery As Memento Mori
This article was previously published in Issue 19, ABSENCE (December 2018). On a recent visit to the Royal Academy’s exhibition,...

'I am Ashurbanipal: King of the World, King of Assyria'
This article was previously published in Issue 19, ABSENCE (December 2018). ‘I am Ashurbanipal, great king, mighty king, king of the...

Queer Eye: The Colour We Need Right Now
The arts and media have an incredibly important impact on us all. In a time where I am avoiding all news unless I see something to do...

Finding Agnès Varda
This article was previously published in Issue 19, ABSENCE (December 2018). Still from The Gleaners and I, 2000, dir. Agnès Varda (Image:...

The Gwangju Biennial: Traumatic Memory and the Absence of Stability
This article was previously published in Issue 19, ABSENCE (December 2018). Celebrating its 12th anniversary, the Gwangju Biennial began...

Smirna Kulenović: In the Absence, The Artist is Present
This article was previously published in Issue 19, ABSENCE (December 2018). Bosnian artist Smirna Kulenović was born in Sarajevo in 1994...

Clara Peeters on Her Own Terms
This article was previously published in Issue 19, ABSENCE (December 2018). ‘Absence’ is not the first word one thinks of upon seeing a...