Museum Doors Shut & Galleries Close: The Impact of COVID on the Art World
Illustration by Himarni Brownsword As the ongoing epidemic of coronavirus has been internationally felt, the British government and...

Picasso and Paper at the RA: The paper seduced me
Banner of the Picasso and Paper exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts, London (25 January – 13 April 2020) (Image by Ellie Perry) This...

Kamran Sajid | Issue 22 'Museion' we are chameleons varnished in red, white and blue our varnish brands us in forests and deserts but in...

A Visit to the Consulate: A Lesson in Absurdity
Illustration by Rebecca Marks A long corridor with windows on one side and a row of uncomfortable plastic chairs. I look at my watch,...

A Case for Art in the Moment
Illustration by Himarni Brownsword The major gallery shows in London broadly shape culture and taste, meanwhile smaller events are not...

Bora Aksu: When Fashion Imitates Art
The Turkish-born designer Bora Aksu, who has built up a loyal following for his romantic and fanciful dresses, has returned to London...

An Assortment of Identities: An identity crisis at 20 years old
Illustration by Vitoria Mendes I’ve told myself thus far that I am finding myself. ‘I should have taken a gap year to find myself’, ‘I’m...

Courtauld versus Courtauld: Or the most frustrating hour of my life
Illustration by Grace Han ​The UCU and Senior Management Q&A held Thursday, 13 February felt a lot like divorce court. Both were part of...

Flesh and 3 Lines
Artwork of the Month | March Kira Gurmail-Kaufmann I’ve always been drawn to the nude body in a 'matter of fact' way. It still surprises...