Sale of 268 Pieces from L.A Meyer Museum Postponed Last Minute Due To Widespread Objection
Questionable reasons motivating the deaccessioning make many hope the sale will be cancelled altogether by Agnese Oliveri | 29 October...

Let Them Eat Code
The UK Government’s latest attempt to persuade those involved in the creative industries to shift to IT-based professions smacks of...

“It’s a bit Chinatowny”
A Fresh Look at Englishness in Liu Xiaodong’s New England (新英格兰), 2019 by Ashleigh Chow | 27 October 2020 Nestled in the heart of...

Art in the Age of Reckoning
October is Black History Month in the UK by Madeline DeFilippis | 25 October 2020 This photo is Copyright ã 2018 David Uzochukwu. All...

Committee to Dutch Government: Return What was Stolen
by Sara Blad | 24 October 2020 Illustration by Elsa Money The 36-carat Banjarmasin Diamond, formerly owned by the Sultan of Banjarmasin...

A Reading of Nick Cave’s And the Ass Saw the Angel
Nick Cave’s 1989 novel ‘And the Ass Saw the Angel’ is a tumultuous lamentation upon Euchrid’s (the central character) discontent with his...