Smirna Kulenović: In the Absence, The Artist is Present
This article was previously published in Issue 19, ABSENCE (December 2018). Bosnian artist Smirna Kulenović was born in Sarajevo in 1994...

Jenna Burchell: Musing on Memory and Mending
This article was previously published in Issue 19, ABSENCE (December 2018). One of South Africa’s earliest new media artists, Jenna...

The Life of An Artist: An Interview with Martin Yeoman
Martin Yeoman (https://www.martinyeomanartist.com) is a British painter, draughtsman, etcher and sculptor who has works in many...

'Into the Mind of the Coloniser': In Conversation with Adelaide Damoah
On Thursday 28 March, British-Ghanaian artist Adelaide Damoah will present ‘Into the Mind of the Coloniser’, in the Virginia Woolf Room...

Contemporary Chinese Performance Art: An Interview with Yingmei Duan
Yingmei Duan (b. 1969) left her home country China in 1998, after being a member of the underground Beijing East Village group between...

The Mind and Practise of Michael Felber
Arctic Father - 22.5” x 30”, colored pencil on paper Since the beginning of the new year I have had the pleasure of engaging in a regular...

20 Portman Square, Somerset House: The Buildings of The Courtauld. An Interview with Anthony Robins
Illustration by Tessa Carr Walking into Somerset House for each visit to the library, for each lecture or class, I am constantly grateful...

The Great Spectacle
Thomas Rowlandson and Augustus Charles Pugin, ‘Exhibition Room, Somerset House,’ 1808. Engraving. (Image: Wikimedia commons) If we want...

The Wallace Collection: An Interview with the 9th Marquess of Hertford
Illustration by Nia Thomas The beloved Wallace Collection boasts a rich and exhilarating heritage, one that is intrinsically linked to...

Curiosity, Collecting and Cabinets - An Interview with Mark Dion
Detail from The Wonder Workshop (2015) by Mark Dion American conceptual artist Mark Dion has long been fascinated with how we understand,...