Head of a [___] Man
How the British Museum continues to center whiteness when describing prints of Black and white men. by Sara Blad | 21 November 2020...
Lockdown in the Mouth
As we find ourselves in the midst of a second national shut-in, spare a thought for those for whom the winter months would be a challenge...
Paul Nash: An Unlikely Mouthpiece for a Nation Destroyed
'I am no longer an artist…I am a messenger…to those who want the war to go on for ever. Feeble, inarticulate, will be my message, but it...
Bruce Nauman Retrospective at Tate Modern (7 Oct 2020 – 21 Feb 2021)
Tension throughout by Harry Carlson | 19 November 2020 Bruce Nauman Falls, Pratfalls and Sleights of Hand (Clean Version) 1993...
Three Biographies to Enjoy in Quarantine
The lives of Susan Sontag, Bernard Buffet and Claude Lanzmann Aniela Rybak | 15 June 2020 During the first three weeks of Warsaw’s...
The Couture Case
Building a Firsthand Opinion of the Fashion Jungle Anonymous | 17th July 2020 Illustration by Rebecca Marks Much ink has been spilled to...
The Tyranny of the Image
Or alternatively, a response to defacing statues by Grace Han | 18th June 2020 Illustration by Grace Han Since I’ve read Phillip K....
What is your [X]? A solo exhibition by Sung Tieu at Emalin
Something new to see before and after lockdown by Sophie McAlpine | 10 November 2020 After a long, dry summer without art, there is a...
The Mother Art Prize 2020
Celebrating women artists by Madeline DeFilippis | 8 November 2020 In late September, I received an email from my tutor, telling our...
SMK: The Danish National Gallery Bringing Art Back Down to Earth
Exhibition Review by Kitty Atherton | 08 November 2020 'Visual culture is often out of touch, and we can find ourselves tangled in...