“It’s a bit Chinatowny”
A Fresh Look at Englishness in Liu Xiaodong’s New England (新英格兰), 2019 by Ashleigh Chow | 27 October 2020 Nestled in the heart of...

Art in the Age of Reckoning
October is Black History Month in the UK by Madeline DeFilippis | 25 October 2020 This photo is Copyright ã 2018 David Uzochukwu. All...

Committee to Dutch Government: Return What was Stolen
by Sara Blad | 24 October 2020 Illustration by Elsa Money The 36-carat Banjarmasin Diamond, formerly owned by the Sultan of Banjarmasin...

A Reading of Nick Cave’s And the Ass Saw the Angel
Nick Cave’s 1989 novel ‘And the Ass Saw the Angel’ is a tumultuous lamentation upon Euchrid’s (the central character) discontent with his...

An Architecture of Mass Surveillance
by Harry Fisher | 15th September 2020 Brutalism holds a complicated place in our collective psyche. At its roots in England, it was...

Returning to the Museum
Re-evaluating the visitor experience by Sophia Boosalis | 7th September 2020 Photograph by Erica Dezonne for Icon Sportswire (Source:...

Changing Tastes For the UK Food Industry
Now that cafes and restaurants are open, what’s new? by Lewis Duncan | 30th August 2020 Salt, sweet, bitter, sour, and umami are the...

Photography in Isolation
Collaborating and Communicating through Images by Ellen Wang | 18th August 2020 During the isolation period of the COVID-19 pandemic, a...

Interview: Cotton Reels, Lost Gloves and Unquiet Moments
Getting to know the 2020 MA Curating Team by Izzy White & Ellie Perry 10th August 2020 After a resounding opening week that saw them...

Create dangerously?
Can we take Camus' advice seriously? Aniela Rybak | 7th August 2020 Cover of Create Dangerously by Albert Camus (Cover Penguin Modern) On...