In Defense of Bean: Art History and Pop Culture
If you’re looking for a positive spin on art history in the media, you’ve come to the right place. My name is Anna Thompson, an...

A rare, beautiful stasis: Steve McQueen’s Widows
Widows grabs you. It puts you deep into the tight streets of Chicago and paints an image of struggle and poverty sandwiched against...

Cosmically Curated: December Art 'Scopes
The holidays are a busy time of year when it can be hard to squeeze in a highbrow culture fix. Still, you don’t want to end up on...

Battleship Putinkin: Anarchy in the Ukraine
This week tensions between the Ukraine and Russia took an explosive turn (literally) when ships from each country’s navy clashed off the...

How Government Cuts are Impacting Arts Education
There is a painting of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden hanging on the wall of a gallery; both are naked, save for a fig leaf. A small...

In Absentia: Body Politics in the Absence of Human Form
“When you look at the imprint of our image, it is us that you will see,” Saint Symeon said to a disciple in response to a priest asking...

The Absence of Polygnotos
Hellenistic art is defined by our academic fetishization of names. The summation of our Grecian canon relies much on the shadowy and, if...

Don’t Panic! Who do you think you are kidding Mr Rees-Mogg?
Firstly, let me take up where I left off last week. You may remember that last Friday it appeared that Mrs May was about to be toppled...

The Importance of Ambitious Political Rhetoric: The West Wing, Season One - A Review
It is not often one is able to decipher why we are drawn to the things we are, but in cases like this, it is less important to consider...

Brexagedon: “The Revolution is Eating its Children”
On Thursday this week, a senior Conservative Party source told the BBC’s political editor, Laura Kuenssberg, that “the revolution is...