Cosmically Curated: November Art 'Scopes
Art and culture in London can be overwhelming, especially during Scorpio season when we all have the feels ~~ Find your sign below and...

A Hidden Gem: Alvar Aalto's Stolar Chair
This week I moved into the Courtauld library. Not literally, although the number of hours I’ve spent tucked away in its nooks and...

Ride or Die: Skateboarding the National Gallery
From the standpoint of the mirror I discover my absence from the place where I am since I see myself over there. – Michel Foucault, Des...

The US Midterm Elections: A Blue Wave but Trump's still standing
Yes, that’s right everybody, we’re only just at the halfway point of Trump’s first (and hopefully only) term in office. And that means...

Beguiling Brett – what could his appointment as Justice of the American Supreme Court mean for Ameri
The past two years of American politics have shown us that the most extreme outcome is not necessarily the least likely one. The man who...

Skeletons in the Closet: A Week of Tricks & Treats
Halloween was not the only terrifying (k)night this week, as Sir Philip Green once again reared his greasy head. You may remember the...

A Polish Icon: Józef Chierowski’s forgotten Fotel 366
If you know me well, you may well be aware that I like chairs. An awful lot. And if you don’t know me well at all – hello, I’m Emilia,...

Svetlana Kuznetsova: Reflections on Life in the USSR
Wandering around the Other Art Fair in early October, I am drawn to the macabre sculptures of Svetlana Kuznetsova. Delicate gems and...

That sinking feeling: Brexit and the Titanic
Dear reader, welcome to the first of what will hopefully be many weekly columns here at the Courtauldian. I am Morgan Haigh, a...

The time has come – we are now accepting submissions for the first printed issue of the Courtauldian of the 2018/2019 academic year! As...