Hello, world. I’m whatever you want me (you) to be.
Ghost in the Shell, Dir. Mamoru Oshii (Manga Entertainment. 1995) The advent of sophisticated robotics in the form of Sophia – produced...

Marine Tanguy Interview
Illustration by Jemima Hooke Following Marine Tanguy’s talk last month in collaboration with the Business of Art Society, we have asked...

Communication Revolution: The Semiotics of Social Media
Fig. 1 There is a lot to unpack in the screenshots on the opposite page, and I think I speak for many when I say there is a lot I'd like...

My Love Affair with Prints Charming
Illustration by Rosie Fitter Are physical fashion magazines a thing of the past? My mother seems to think so. Then again, this may be her...

Dead Tired
Symptoms of Information Overload Grosse Fatigue (Dead Tired), Camille Henrot, 2013, video, 13 minutes, Silex Film and Galerie Kamel...

The Wheel Keeps Turning – An Interview with Carina Ciscato and Chris Keenan
Photo by Michael Harvey, Copyright Chris Keenan When I think about the role of technology in the arts, what first comes to mind is video...

Making Home in Filippiada
The Filippiada refugee camp is a few minutes outside of Filippiada, a town in north west Greece. From its road entrance, a cabin and a...

‘Every relationship needs a man’ is a belief prevalent in our society from its very beginning. But if we try and actually follow this...

Eating in the Internet Age
It is becoming increasingly clear that the average London millennial is somewhat obsessed with food. As we are so often told and know so...

The Montage Mädels
The morning after Trump was elected a group of Courtauld students met for a lesson on Dada and Fascism. That same day, they founded the...