The Physiology of Phone Sex
「電話接通。 聲音進入耳朵之後,像緊貼著水槽聆聽,從水龍頭流出的水潺潺進入排水孔,激起相對的情緒反應。隨著音調起伏,經驗一次在吸入同時便極度希望能夠以嘆息吐出的呼吸。心臟上緣至背部之間的肌肉緊蹦,彷彿心臟後方有人用手指揪著它往左右拉動。一股熱流從胃部出發,先是向後,繼而往上...

Lost Futures: The Disappearing Architecture of Post-War Britain - Review
For Christmas last year I was given a book called Brutal London. It is a ubiquitous publication, seemingly present in all gift shops and...

Exhibition Review: Vanessa Bell
Vanessa Bell 1879–1961, Design for Omega Workshops Fabric, 1913, Watercolor, gouache, and graphite on paper, Image: 53.3 × 40.7 cm, Yale...

Watching the Father: the Hidden Secrets of an International Family
Illustration by Ellen Charlesworth To pip One of the reasons of my moving to the UK five years ago was to explore the British side of my...

For Those Who Don't Believe in Bisexuality
Every day bisexual people face resistance towards the notion of their own sexual orientation. Not only do they struggle with homophobia...
Note from the Editorial Team
On the 5th March The Courtauldian published online the article ‘Artists’ Lives: Speaking of the Kasmin Gallery’. The accompanying...

Interview: Karina Akopyan
Karina Akopyan with her work Big Samovar Orgy at the exhibition opening - photo credit: Bojidar Chkorev Russian artist Karina Akopyan had...

'The Female Gaze'
Painting by Elly Stephenson If the ‘male gaze’ is a term used to describe the relationship between male viewer and a female object,...

Art in Fiction: Autumn by Ali Smith and The Muse by Jessie Burton
When fiction attempts to incorporate art and artists, it can often end badly. Descriptions of the act of creating can read like bad...

Giselle, or the perfect dream
Illustration by Anna Seibæk Torp-Pedersen The current Giselle at the London Coliseum is a revival of Mary Skeaping’s traditional...