A Praying Prime Minister & a President Sent by God
As the UK faces a big freeze the Prime Minister’s position on Brexit has thawed slightly – although the reception from the EU remains...

Through the Looking Glass – Brexit Madness
“Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast,” says the White Queen in Lewis Carroll's Alice Through...

A Brexmas Miracle, but May’s on Thin Ice
We begin this week’s Christmassy edition with an extract of the Gospel according to Morgan: “And lo, Theresa went unto Brussels, and...

You Say You Want a Revolution? – Plus ça change
For the last three weeks, France has been embroiled in a series of strikes and protests. They were originally sparked by the...

Don’t Panic! Who do you think you are kidding Mr Rees-Mogg?
Firstly, let me take up where I left off last week. You may remember that last Friday it appeared that Mrs May was about to be toppled...

Brexagedon: “The Revolution is Eating its Children”
On Thursday this week, a senior Conservative Party source told the BBC’s political editor, Laura Kuenssberg, that “the revolution is...

That sinking feeling: Brexit and the Titanic
Dear reader, welcome to the first of what will hopefully be many weekly columns here at the Courtauldian. I am Morgan Haigh, a...