Roman House & Garden, 79 AD: Classical Interior Design
Fig. 1. Pompeii atrium reconstruction, House of the Vettii, Boboli Gardens, Florence, 2007 (Photo: Wikipedia Commons) If I weren’t only...

Defence Secretary Sacked on Eve of Losses for Both Parties at the Polls
This first week back for MPs, my column, and all Courtauld students was shaping up to be a suspiciously peaceful one, that was until the...

Feminism, Sex and Power: The Life and Music of Barbara Strozzi
Hello everyone and welcome to my new column on unsung women in the history of the arts! I’m Francesca, a second-year undergrad here at...

Recycling Right: S-1500 by Snøhetta
S-1500 by Snøhetta (Image: snohetta.com) A few weeks ago, I shared some facts about this chair on The Courtauldian’s Instagram page as a...

Fascism and the ‘Call to Order’
It seems we are on the inside, looking out, of a storm of change in politics currently. While change is almost always seen as an...

Cosmically Curated: April Art 'Scopes
No school, no problems? Maybe so. April is looking calm and revolving a little bit more around the inner self this go around. With the...

Longer and Longer: Another Extension for May
As MPs leave the Commons for their Easter break, I’m taking time out of mine to bring you my weekly report on the chaos that we call ‘the...

Modern Sapphics
The discoveries of new poems by Sappho in 2004 and 2014, particularly the near-completion of the Tithonus poem, excited both scholarly...

Vote, Vote, and Vote Again: Brexit Deadlock
The one time I take a week off from bringing you a window into the world of news and all hell breaks loose. Since I last wrote, March...

Colouring the Past: Homer, Soane & Klein
Yves Klein, Blue Venus works on display at Blenheim Palace, 2018 (Photo: Vogue) Colour is a concerningly abstract and amorphous concept...