A Brexmas Miracle, but May’s on Thin Ice
We begin this week’s Christmassy edition with an extract of the Gospel according to Morgan: “And lo, Theresa went unto Brussels, and...

You Say You Want a Revolution? – Plus ça change
For the last three weeks, France has been embroiled in a series of strikes and protests. They were originally sparked by the...

Walter Sickert as Jack the Ripper
The first art-related conspiracy this series of ten aims to tackle is one of the most infamous incidents in modern history, which...

In Defense of Bean: Art History and Pop Culture
If you’re looking for a positive spin on art history in the media, you’ve come to the right place. My name is Anna Thompson, an...

Cosmically Curated: December Art 'Scopes
The holidays are a busy time of year when it can be hard to squeeze in a highbrow culture fix. Still, you don’t want to end up on...

Battleship Putinkin: Anarchy in the Ukraine
This week tensions between the Ukraine and Russia took an explosive turn (literally) when ships from each country’s navy clashed off the...

Don’t Panic! Who do you think you are kidding Mr Rees-Mogg?
Firstly, let me take up where I left off last week. You may remember that last Friday it appeared that Mrs May was about to be toppled...

Brexagedon: “The Revolution is Eating its Children”
On Thursday this week, a senior Conservative Party source told the BBC’s political editor, Laura Kuenssberg, that “the revolution is...

A Hidden Gem: Alvar Aalto's Stolar Chair
This week I moved into the Courtauld library. Not literally, although the number of hours I’ve spent tucked away in its nooks and...

The US Midterm Elections: A Blue Wave but Trump's still standing
Yes, that’s right everybody, we’re only just at the halfway point of Trump’s first (and hopefully only) term in office. And that means...