Beth Greenacre
This article was previously published in the special edition, ALUMNAE (December 2018). BA 1997 Beth Greenacre is a leading force in the...

HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan
This article was previously published in the special edition, ALUMNAE (December 2018). BA 1992 HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan of...

Kaywin Feldman
This article was previously published in the special edition, ALUMNAE (December 2018). MA 1991 Since her graduation from The Courtauld in...

Frances Morris
This article was previously published in the special edition, ALUMNAE (December 2018). MA 1983 Tate Modern is definitively one of the...

Brett Rogers
This article was previously published in the special edition, ALUMNAE (December 2018). MA 1981 When Brett Rogers, the current Director of...

Betty Churcher
This article was previously published in the special edition, ALUMNAE (December 2018). 1932 - 2015 MA 1977 Artist, art critic, television...

Jane Ferguson
This article was previously published in the special edition, ALUMNAE (December 2018). MA 1975 Few have been so devoted to The Courtauld,...

Anne D'Harnoncourt
This article was previously published in the special edition, ALUMNAE (December 2018). 1943-2008 MA 1967 Engulfed by art at a young age,...

Jennifer Fletcher
This article was previously published in the special edition, ALUMNAE (December 2018). BA 1960 Jennifer Fletcher is one of the many...

Anita Brookner
This article was previously published in the special edition, ALUMNAE (December 2018). 1928 - 2016 BA 1949, PhD 1952 If the average...