Pamela Tudor-Craig
This article was previously published in the special edition, ALUMNAE (December 2018). 1928 - 2017 BA 1949, PhD 1952 When thinking about...

Anne Olivier Bell
This article was previously published in the special edition, ALUMNAE (December 2018). 1916 – 2018 PG Dip 1937 An indomitable figure of...

Family Pictures: My Parents and ‘GENERATIONS’
GENERATIONS Installation View, Showing: Hurvin Anderson, Is It Okay to be Black? (Image: Carlotta Pierleoni) I think I should start this...

Self-Care, Self-Delusion, Self-Awareness: How well-being became a global concept and what it means
With exams approaching and various deadlines creeping up on us, think back to how many times in the last week you thought of a day off...

Courtauld Careers Alumni Networking Event
We are incredibly proud to announce that last Thursday’s Careers Networking Event was the most successful to date, with 46 careers...

TEF: what's it all about?
You’ve probably already come across the Courtauld SU statement that was circulated last Monday. The Students’ Union is holding an...

Interview: Professor Joanna Woodall, or how to be in the world as an academic
Joanna Woodall is a leading expert on Early Modern Netherlandish Art, with a strong commitment to teaching students about methodologies...

Save Art History
The first time I understood Art History to be a subject, rather than something you did at the weekends with your parents, was at my...
End of Term SU Update!
Well done on getting to the end of another long term! Hope you’re all currently having a well-earned break! This term has seen continuing...
Your SU (Issue 1)
This year kicked off with a cracking Freshers’ Week with nights in venues such as Communion Bar and Drink Shop Do followed by our Autumn...