A Brexmas Miracle, but May’s on Thin Ice
We begin this week’s Christmassy edition with an extract of the Gospel according to Morgan: “And lo, Theresa went unto Brussels, and...

You Say You Want a Revolution? – Plus ça change
For the last three weeks, France has been embroiled in a series of strikes and protests. They were originally sparked by the...

Don’t Panic! Who do you think you are kidding Mr Rees-Mogg?
Firstly, let me take up where I left off last week. You may remember that last Friday it appeared that Mrs May was about to be toppled...

For Those Who Don't Believe in Bisexuality
Every day bisexual people face resistance towards the notion of their own sexual orientation. Not only do they struggle with homophobia...

In Praise of the Baileys Prize on International Women’s Day
Firstly, happy International Women’s Day! Secondly, before you ask, International Men’s Day in on the 19th of November. Today is also the...

The Art of Activism: Histories of Art strikes
Bread and Puppet theatre piece on Fifth Avenue, New York. Part of the Angry Arts Week, 1967 'In the meantime, Occupy Everything and see...

TEF: what's it all about?
You’ve probably already come across the Courtauld SU statement that was circulated last Monday. The Students’ Union is holding an...

John Berger: "Never again shall a single story be told as though it were the only one."
Image source: Franck Courtès/Agence Vu John Berger died on 2nd January 2017. Many obituaries begin with the most basic of facts, such as...

Save Art History
The first time I understood Art History to be a subject, rather than something you did at the weekends with your parents, was at my...
Dear Jonathan Jones,
Opinion Piece: AQA axes History of Art A-level After reading Jonathan Jones' recent article about the A Level art history scrapping where...