Roman House & Garden, 79 AD: Classical Interior Design
Fig. 1. Pompeii atrium reconstruction, House of the Vettii, Boboli Gardens, Florence, 2007 (Photo: Wikipedia Commons) If I weren’t only...

Fascism and the ‘Call to Order’
It seems we are on the inside, looking out, of a storm of change in politics currently. While change is almost always seen as an...

Modern Sapphics
The discoveries of new poems by Sappho in 2004 and 2014, particularly the near-completion of the Tithonus poem, excited both scholarly...

Colouring the Past: Homer, Soane & Klein
Yves Klein, Blue Venus works on display at Blenheim Palace, 2018 (Photo: Vogue) Colour is a concerningly abstract and amorphous concept...

Masculinity in Ancient Greece
The spectacle of the ancient Greek male body is as enduring and relevant now as it was in 500 BC. The ideal image of man, largely sourced...

Kitsch Cupid: Rococo and Romance
There are numerous historical sources attached to St Valentine — the Catholic. Church recognizes at least three different saints named...

Goddess of the Hearth
The lack of classical art history at The Courtauld is surprising to say the least. Besides the few classical lectures during Foundations,...

The Absence of Polygnotos
Hellenistic art is defined by our academic fetishization of names. The summation of our Grecian canon relies much on the shadowy and, if...