The Migration Museum: Re-Evaluating Britain's 'Island Story' with Matthew Plowright
This article was previously published in Issue 20, ISLANDS (March 2019). Matthew Plowright is Head of Communications at the Migration...

The End of May
And there we have it: the reign of May is at an end. On Friday morning the Prime Minister stepped up to a podium set before the door of...

May’s Days are Numbered & Monet Goes for Stacks
To begin with a bit of art news for a change, at Sotheby’s New York this week one of Claude Monet’s series of haystack paintings was sold...

Royal Baby Faux Pas While Sharks Circle May
In a relatively quiet week for news, there was a burst of activity when it was announced that the new Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle,...

Defence Secretary Sacked on Eve of Losses for Both Parties at the Polls
This first week back for MPs, my column, and all Courtauld students was shaping up to be a suspiciously peaceful one, that was until the...

Fascism and the ‘Call to Order’
It seems we are on the inside, looking out, of a storm of change in politics currently. While change is almost always seen as an...

Longer and Longer: Another Extension for May
As MPs leave the Commons for their Easter break, I’m taking time out of mine to bring you my weekly report on the chaos that we call ‘the...

Vote, Vote, and Vote Again: Brexit Deadlock
The one time I take a week off from bringing you a window into the world of news and all hell breaks loose. Since I last wrote, March...

Sticker Shtick
All of my visits to Tate Modern have been a hit or miss. There’s a very inorganic feel to it as an institution. Maybe it’s the multitude...

A Praying Prime Minister & a President Sent by God
As the UK faces a big freeze the Prime Minister’s position on Brexit has thawed slightly – although the reception from the EU remains...