Cosmically Curated: March Art 'Scopes
March always goes in like a lion, but this year particularly so with a Mercury retrograde near the beginning of the month. That means that nitty gritty logistical things could go wrong, so make sure to double check all emails, texts, and plans. Despite the retrograde, this is astrologically a very potent and powerful time for most zodiac signs. Though there may be minor setbacks, you’re sure to come out like a lamb. Find beauty in the backwards and enjoy an especially mercurial March.

Illustration by Jemima Hooke
This month you may approach a sharp switchback in your path. Even if what you want to be doing is relevant to what you are doing, try to think outside of the box. For inspiration, check out ‘Ugo Mulas: Creative Intersections’ and see how the Milanese photographer used visual media and creative tactics to capture art history. From 4 March - 24 May at Robilant & Voena.
This is about to get complicated for a no-nonsense Taurus. I need you to let go, innovate, and push forward. If you can’t reconcile all that into your stubborn outlook, get a zen perspective by heading to the Japanese Textile and Craft Festival hosted by Freeweaver Saori Studio on 12 March. Via methods such as Saori, an intuitive fiber arts technique, you will weave and unwind.
Mercury retrograde is always intense for you Gem, but this time, it's in your house of men. If you can deign to travel back through the patriarchy, hop on one of Alice Proctor’s ‘Uncomfortable Art Tours’ in which the art historian calls out imperialist, racist, and sexist attitudes in museum acquisitions and displays. Join the group at the Rosetta Stone for decoding art world problématiqueat the The British Museum (15 March from 18:00 - 19:30).
Something platonic could turn romantic. Perhaps this is not limited to your relationships. Why not test the waters at Tate’s ‘Franz West’ (until 2 June) to see how bright and playful things become erotic when you linger?
Put the blinders on and get focused on fine-tuning a meticulous plan. If that’s too much tough love for a glitzy glamorous Leo, check out ‘Elizabethan Treasures: Miniatures by Hilliard and Oliver’ (through 19 May) at The National Portrait Gallery and just be glad you’re not hunched over by candlelight hand painting such tiny, though exquisite, masterpieces.
I don’t want to tell a Virgo to stay on top of things. You’re stressed enough about that as it is, but with your ruling planet Mercury going retrograde this month you’re prone to more snafus than most other zodiac signs. Revisit the Turners at The National Gallery to contemplate the calm before the storm, and what comes after.
Two upcoming full moons in your sign are telling you to get it together. Explore the spiritual side but make sure you can tell your shamans from your shams. On 4 March you could make a pilgrimage out to Twickenham for a set from the spiritual comic in-recovery, Russell Brand. That should give you something to evaluate.
With lovers, friends, coworkers, and family, you need to find freedom in all your relationships this month, Scorpio. Why not take a hint from the most popular group of the 1960s decade of free love, The Beatles? In ‘Pepperland’ at Sadler Wells Theatre (20 - 23 March), Mark Morris has choreographed a series of dances set to jazz up versions of the tracks on Sgt. Pepper’s.
You’ll be nesting for most of the month. If you want a reason to be happy not being out in the art world, curl up on your couch and thank the stars you’re not Coco, the intern in Netflix’s new full-length feature, ‘Velvet Buzzkill’ (Oh, and Jake Gyllenhaal is in it).
Put down the books and turn up, this month is about getting social. Head to ‘Tomoo Gokita’ at Massimo de Carlo and you’ll be toasting among the glamorous, yet disfigured, classical noir characters featured in the artist’s work. Preview is on 5 March from 17:00 onwards.
As the entire world shifts into the Age of Aquarius, there will be times that you feel the change acutely. This is one of those phases that requires adjustment. Check out ‘Hannah Moon & Joyce Ng: English as a Second Language’ at Somerset House (until 28 April) to reflect on what gets lost in translation, and whether there aren’t better methods for transition.
It’s your birthday season and you’re getting a little steam to boot. Now is a good time for you to pursue the career, relationship, and life that is rightfully yours. To keep the momentum up, visit The William Morris Museum and check out ‘Cultural Revolution,’ an exhibition of Chinese propaganda posters from the 60s and 70s. Vibrant reds and utopian visions will keep you burning bright into the future, but don’t throw your fuel to the fire in one great heap.