The 5 Podcasts You Need to be Listening to Right Now
Brush teeth. Pack bag. Grab key. Put on the same playlist as every day and walk out the door. REWIIIIIND. Brush teeth. Pack bag. Grab key. Put on an epic podcast and skip out the door because you’re having such a great morning. Just kidding, but check out my top 5 picks at the moment.
1. Deliciously Ella

Cover of Deliciously Ella Podcast (Photo: Ella and Matthew Mills)
If you want to listen to the most soothing voice you have ever heard, this is the podcast for you. Deliciously Ella and her husband Matthew Mills tackle super topical, self-growth style issues: learning how to fail; happiness as a choice; and body acceptance. If you want a dose of positive energy, or just some direction on things which can be really tough to face alone, this is the podcast for you. Personally, I also love how educational the podcast is. Ella invites incredibly well-informed professionals to speak with her on things like sleep, nutrition and the environment, most definitely giving you some food for thought (excuse the pun).
2. Beyond Today

Cover of Beyond Today Podcast (Photo: BBC Radio 4)
‘The Space to Ask One Big Question about One Big Story’. I’m already sold. This is the kind of podcast you need if you want to be able to add that little something extra to a conversation about a big story in the news today. It simply takes one interesting topic or issue from the day’s headlines, asks a question on it and explores said question. It’s great. Short, snappy and informative with each episode lasting about 15 minutes - perhaps one for the wait for the Vernon Square lift...?
3. Desert Island Discs

Cover of Desert Island Discs Podcast (Photo: BBC Radio 4)
I love music (ironically, despite this article), and love hearing about the kind of music that other people love too. Desert Island Discs is brilliant, and a true insight into the lives of people like Lin-Manuel Miranda, Pat McGrath and Louis Therox, and how the music they’ve grown up with has shaped their lives today. Makes you think about your Desert Island Discs too- if you were stranded on a desert island, what would you take with you?
4. The High Low

Cover of The High Low Podcast (Photo: Pandora Sykes and Dolly Alderton)
Pandora Sykes and Dolly Alderton, both freelance journalists and all round wonder women have collaborated on podcast The High Low to give their two pennies worth on current affairs such as Prince Harry and the tabloids, Male vs Female Vanity, and the MOST important topic of the moment: Jacob Rees Mogg’s fashion sense. Both brilliantly sarcastic and unbelievably witty, these women are totally badass and ones to listen to if you need a bit of a pick me up and a good ol’ laugh.
5. The Conspiracy Guys

Cover of The Conspiracy Guys Podcast (Photo: The Conspiracy Guys)
Whoooo doesn’t love a good conspiracy theory? The Conspiracy Guys are probably the most in-depth podcast I’ve found. They’re definitely longer episodes but this means they’re able to properly dive in and explore the issues and their context to a deeper extent, which is something that I’ve noticed some of the shorter podcasts lack. Perhaps not one for the easily scared, but absolutely one for the curious, this podcast is sure to leave you with a new perspective on some of the most intense events of the past.